The Hill of Glory

The Hill of Glory is a memorial complex in Ukraine, located in Cherkasy, erected to commemorate citizens of the town, who perished during the World War II. The memorial immortalizes Cherkasy citizens who perished on the fronts and soldiers that were killed in battles for Cherkasy. The monument was built in 1967 and reconstructed into the complex in 1975.

The total height of the earthen hill is 10 meters, the base diameter is 60 meters.

The composition is made in huge monumental forms. Wide ritual area is completed with a burial mound that has granite stairs, the mound is crowned with 10 meters high sculpture of the woman who symbolizes the Motherland. There is a bowl with the Everlasting fire in her raised right hand and her left hand is directed to the ritual area. A high relief composition (sizes 20.9 x 2.2 m.) is mounted on the oral-shaped supporting wall tiled with granite. The composition depicts a battle, besides there are names of 904 Cherkasy warriors, who perished during the World War.

Terraces tiled with granite blocks lead to the top of the Hill, where almost 1000 soldiers were buried. The artificial mound is framed with the memorial granite wall on which the names of Cherkasy dwellers, who were killed during the war are stamped.

There are 5 bronze bas-reliefs on the supporting wall, they tell about hard period of the war. The first bas-relief depicts civil defenders of 1941, the second shows the battle with fascists. In the middle of the bas-relief there is a young soldier attacked with a bullet, falling on the wheat field. The bayonet attack of soviet soldiers is shown on the third bas-relief, on the fourth – a killed ensign-bearer and his fellow who catches up the flag. On the fifth – all the representatives of the Soviet Army forces are immortalized.