Sinitsky park
If you want to carry out an easy trip, do it alone, or with people who you like to communicate with, with whom it is not necessary to be cunning or pretend to be affable, with whom it will not be tiresome. So, Sinitsky park - the park of good mood hidden from a curious extraneous human eye, cool and affable. It is situated in the village of Sinitsja, Hristinivsky area of the Cherkasy region.
The Sinitsky park, the area of 44,6 hectares, has remained up to now though it was laid at the time of Polish genlemen Ielovitsky. In 1736 on the border between the village of Sinitsja and the village of Kuzmina Greblja in the head river the Sinitsja (the basin of the Southern Bug) a V-shaped pond, the size of 6,2 hectares, was created and four artificial islands were strewn.
The park was planted with the brought rare trees, nearby the landowners' estates were constructed with columns, stables for horses and utility buildings.
After the suppressed Polish-Russian revolt, the Polish gentlemen Ielovitsky have left the Hristinivsky area for ever. The next owner - baron Korf, near the old house of the former owners has ordered to construct a new two-storeyed palace, in front of its main entrance the fountain has scattered its colours.
The barons owned the wooden landowner's estate and utility buildings in the neighbour village of Kuzmina Greblja. During the peasants' revolt in 1887 the peasants burnt this estate down and in 1905-1907 the new brick building was constructed in the centre of the village. The estate in Kuzmina Greblja was considered as the winter residence, and in the village of Sinitsja - the summer one. In the territory of Korf s estate the thoroughbred horses were bred. The best race horses were sold in Saint-Petersbourg, the other ones were used in the own household.
The summer residence of the landowners Korfs, together with the park, up to now in some places is fenced with the stone fence. The bricks for the construction were not brought but fired at the own brick factory using the local clay. The brick factory was situated near the park zone in the direction of the village of Kuzmina Greblja.