The Tyasmynsky canyon

The nature created the Tyasmynsky canyon two billion years ago.

There are big and small streams and rivers, springs hidden among the dense forests of Holodny Yar and steep mountains, both named and nameless. How many mysteries they hide! The past centuries are seen in a dark blue haze over the Tyasmyn and traces of the intense civilization are lost. It is impossible to establish precisely when the Tyasmyn, that washes glacial age stones was bom: hundred thousands, millions years ago.

There are lots of different suggestions concerning the history of the development of the Tyasmin hydrological grid. As the basin lies in the operating range of the former Dniprovsky glacier, probably, the basic hydrological grid in the basin was formed after its retreat. The strongest in Europe the Dniprovsky glacier retreated in the late paleolith (40 - 13 thousand of years ago). The glacial waters extended for 20 - 40 km to the southern borders of the glacier. Numerous tributaries of the Tyasmin were also formed in the glacier melting.

The territory specifies it itself. It is excessively split up with ravines and gullies giving the surface a wave form. Their origin is connected with the rivers that broke through themselves deep channels. The ravines went down from their high right banks which went far apart of the watershed and branched out too. More than 366 ravines were counted before the war in Chigirinsky povit in 1914, in Cherkasy povit more than 100. Most of them are located along the current of the Tyasmyn. The gullies are deep here, with smooth and steep slopes and covered often with deciduous forest, and on sandy terraces there are the tracts of a usual pine and here and there a fir-tree.

The geologists say that the unique beauty of the valley was formed at the time of melting glaciers. The huge ice mass melted with the approach of the period of warming and the valley was formed on its place.

The Tyasmynsky canyon is a valuable sight of nature. Straight rocks on the left-hand side of the river rise upwards here and there 12-15 m high. They are grown densely with maples, hawthorn and other vegetation. The right edge of the canyon arouses interest by steppe slopes.