The Wooden Church

The wooden church above the quiet pond gladdens the eye in Tymoshivka. It represents the art of building of the XVIIth century and is the only model of this kind in Cherkashchyna.

In 1900’s the first director of Ivankivsky Sugar factory Frants Frantsovych Veselyi set eyes on Tymoshivka. At that time the village was famous for its fruitful gardens and harvests of apples, pears, plums and apricots. The hole ‘’Vyr’’ was named after the swirling river Bendeska near the village.

The manufacturer decided to erect here a watermill and a distillery for making wine. In a year there was already a building with necessary equipment there.

But the owner of Tymoshivka didn’t accept the conditions offered by Frants Veselyi and drew to the court in Uman declaring that he occupied her possession by force.

Without the help of the inhabitants of Tymoshivka the manufacturer could be sent to prison but they held the meeting and chose the representatives to defend the director, who wanted to employ them. But the court took the decision to pull down the mill and the distillery immediately.

By that time living with the family in the village of Ivanky and working here at a sugar factory Frants’s son bought a wonder church in the village of Tansk of Umansky Povit for Ivanky.

But when the blockhouse was constructed the church appeared to be too small for the village and people understood that a larger brick one should be built here.

Then Frants Frantsovych begged his son for timber to build a church in Tymoshivka to thank the people for their support in the court. In spring 1913 the material for construction was brought to the village and the next spring the erected church was consecrated.