Zhashkov stud

Zhashkiv stud was founded in 1999. The factory is located in the city Zhashkov, 150 km from the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Specializes in breeding, raising and training horses, the Western European breeds (Vesfalskaya, Holstein, Oldenburg, Hanoverian, Belgian Warmblood, the Rhine, the Dutch Warmblood, French rural). Achievements to date the plant is its livestock, which consists of stallions and mares from around the world. Nine stallions of the plant have a German license stallion – Manufacturer: Cornet Obolensky, Captain Fire, Lancer III, Artifex, Consolidator, Copperfield, Comme il Faut, Congress.

95% of breeding stock – this elite class, the majority of whom were awarded in Germany.Many foals Zhashkov plant successfully pass Keuring in Germany, largely due to systematic selection of stallions and mares, with their pedigree lines and athletic performance. Widely used method of artificial insemination. Zhashkov Stud farm partners are representative of the Westphalian Riding Union – Herr Bernd Richter, known konezavodchik Germany – Herr Heinrich Ramsbrock. Repeatedly visited Zhashkov Stud farm. Each year, experts Westphalian horse foals born Union brand brand that breed and produce documents proving their origin. Some horses Zhashkov Stud farm undergo training in Germany. Cornet Obolensky is on stable Herr Ludger Beerbaum. Comme il Faut stood in the stables Huberta Varnholta. Congress is stable inmates Warendorf . At the moment, Captain Fire, Consolidator and Comme il Faut already in the Zhashkov Stud. The main buyers of horses Zhashkov Stud farm are representatives of the CIS and the EU.

Plant area is 317 ha:
     - 200 hectares of pastures,
     - 100 hectares of hay,
     - Base, which occupies 17 hectares,

Every year in Ukraine becomes more and more riders. It is no accident. Horseback riding – it’s not just a sport. Horseback riding – it is a philosophy, based on “feeling against the force, the force without violence, a mixture of rigor and flexibility, patience, renunciation of self, humility in the saddle, confidence in the foot during, animal innate talent and endless gratitude to the rider.”

Official opening of the equestrian complex on 14 August 2010, based on Zhashkov Stud.

Zhashkiv equestrian center – a unique combination of elegant luxury sports and leisure. Communion with the noble and graceful animals, union with him, gives a feeling of inner harmony and positive energy. If you want to make in your life something new and different, definitely go to Zhashkiv equestrian center, in an atmosphere of equestrian sport and the present European comfort.